If a trip to Paris in the springtime is in your near future, then this blog should help you when packing. I visited Paris in March, which is a beautiful time to see some of the flowers start blooming, enjoy the famous hot chocolate outdoors, and explore all the sights.
The weather in Paris tends to range between 40-60 degrees Fahrenheit or about 4-16 degrees Celsius in the spring, so you will need to pack some warm clothes! People in Paris tend to dress in nicer clothes that are business casual. If you want to fit in, I recommend packing sweaters, nice jeans, dress slacks, long sleeve shirts, a thicker coat, and some comfortable walking shoes. If you want the classic photo in France with a beret, then snap away, but the locals say that if people are wearing berets they know they are tourists.
Here are some pictures below of what I wore in Paris if you are looking for some outfit inspiration. For more outfit inspiration, Pinterest is a good place to look!

Be prepared for the weather in Paris
Besides the potential colder temperatures for your trip, be prepared for rain as well. When I visited in March, it rained a couple of the days, so consider packing a raincoat or umbrella.
Random items
If you enjoy taking pictures when traveling, don’t forget your camera! I have some stunning photos already put in a photobook that I treasure. If you are staying in a hostel, I recommend bringing a lock for your items and flip flops for the showers. Outside of these more rare items, just stick to your usual packing list with your toiletries, daily items, and items to entertain you in the airport and plane.
Depending on how you plan on getting around Paris, you may need to pack documents or passport-sized photos for train cards. For more information on this check out my Paris Travel Guide blog post.
Safety tips for Paris
Pickpocketing is fairly common in Europe, so be aware of this. People often get bags or phones stolen on the trains near the closing doors and in train stations. I recommend packing a bag or purse that goes over your entire body and doesn’t have a clip that removes the bag. If you just put a purse over one shoulder, it is much easier for it to be stolen.
Spring is a beautiful time to visit Paris. For more specific travel tips on transportation and what to do in Paris, check out my Paris Travel Guide. To find my other blog posts, check out the destinations tab on my website. Thanks for stopping by! Cheers to exploring new cities and making connections around the world!